
How to Become a Water Conservation Pro by Using BRITA® Products!

Hydration | News and Events
Editorial: We don’t trust drinking fountains anymore, and that’s bad for our health
The invention of the modern drinking fountain in 1906 by Luther Haws was a significant innovation that improved public spaces dramatically by helping to deliver sanitary drinking water to anyone. Today, the number of public drinking fountains is decreasing, and it is leading to problems. This past month, the Washington Post published an article that […]

More about Hydration and Brita® Hydration Station® with GM, Ted Hertz
Recently, we took some time to interview General Manager of Hydration, Ted Hertz! Ted Hertz gives us an insight on how the Hydration business is going, and where he see’s the Hydration business heading. How is the hydration business currently? The Hydration market is growing and shifting rapidly. It seems every day there are new innovations […]

Have you seen a Brita® Hydration Station®?
Have you spotted a Brita® Hydration Station®? You will find this great-tasting filtered water typically in an office setting, school, concert, festival, and pretty much everywhere! From the touch-free bottle filler to the newest efficient water cooler, water station, and water bottle filling stations, Brita® Hydration Stations® offer unlimited access to the most trusted name […]

Hydration | Safety
How to Avoid Heat Causing Illnesses 101!
“Hydration plays an important role in worker safety and productivity. Companies, safety directors and employees all want to work safely, perform productively and return to work the next day. And everyone wants to avoid accidents and injury at all costs.”(The Sqwincher Corporation) Have an action plan handy in the workplace to avoid any heat related […]

Hydration | News and Events
25% of Children Don’t Drink Water Daily
Researchers at Harvard say most children and teens are at least a bit dehydrated. According to the results of a new study from researchers at Harvard, more than half of the nation’s children and teens are dehydrated. And, shockingly, about 25 percent of kids don’t drink water daily. That’s the key finding of the national […]

Hydration | Safety
Have You Seen a Haws?
Have you seen a Haws product installed out in the field? If so, hashtag #Haws for a chance to win a $25 Starbucks card! AXION® eyePOD® from a Toronto based dental practice. @targetcontracting Antique Haws drinking fountain in Arizona. @iamkalin Brita® Hydration Station® installation on UNLV campus. @ttbtatunlv Haws bubbler head. @rusticranger Haws eyewash poster. […]

Hydration | News and Events
Can Drinking Fountains Make a Comeback?
In an effort to not use plastic water bottles, drinking fountains are coming back into style. Drinking fountains are saving the environment while keeping people hydrated (Go Haws!). In Lafayette, Louisiana, a few men who are frequent runners, are in works of bringing drinking fountains back to Lafayette and they are seeking help. Last fall, Mark C. […]

Hydrated and Ready For Summer 2015? Here Are 10 Tips!
Do you know how you plan to stay hydrated this summer? Just in case you don’t have it figured out, here are 10 tips to help you reach your goal of having a very hydrated summer ! A morning refresher A glass of water (16oz) in the morning helps to get your metabolism started. Your body […]

Stay Hydrated With the Refill Not Landfill App
Nalgene® now offers a new hydration app titled Refill Not Landfill. The Refill Not Landfill tracks amounts of water one is drinking each day (64 ounces is recommended), how much money one saves by not purchasing bottled water, and one’s contribution in preventing landfills from occurring. The Refill Not Landfill App is available through both the Apple App Store and Google […]

How to Fundraise for your own Brita® Hydration Station®
Looking to earn your own Brita® Hydration Station®? Drink up® and Brita® Hydration Station® have teamed up to help groups fundraise to earn their very own Brita® Hydration Station®! Both Brita® Hydration Station® and Drink Up® are devoted to help raise awareness about the benefits of drinking water and healthy hydration. How the fundraising program works: […]

Haws at the Happiest Place on Earth !
Haws takes on Disneyland! A special thank you to founder of the drinking fountain Luther Haws, for paving the way for Haws products to be in use at such a magical place! Another thank you to Haws employees, who share photos with us while on vacation! Below are photographs taken from Haws employees, sharing their […]