
ADA Vandal-Resistant Outdoor Freeze-Resistant Antique Style Fountain

Model 3511FR, freeze-resistant ADA, antique historic style, vandal-resistant heavy-duty cast-aluminum pedestal drinking fountain with black powder-coated finish.

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Model 3511FR ADA antique style vandal-resistant pedestal drinking fountain shall include a heavy-duty cast aluminum pedestal with a black powder-coated finish, dual 18 gauge Type 304 Stainless Steel satin finish basins with integral swirl design, polished chrome-plated brass vandal-resistant push-buttons, polished chrome-plated brass vandal-resistant bubbler heads, chrome-plated brass vandal-resistant waste strainer, integral mounting plate, and 1-1/2" O.D. tailpiece. ..... REQUIRES MODELS 3511FR & 6518.2FR ORDERED SEPARATELY.

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