Earth Day 2018 focused on plastic pollution. This year’s theme is Protect Our Species. Upon reflecting on our oceans and rivers and the fish and fowl that live and feed in these bodies of water, these two themes are enmeshed. Our oceans are such vast expanses of water, but they are all polluted with debris, most of it plastic.
A segment on 60 Minutes covered the pollution on the Midway Island – and not just how much debris ends up there, but how much of it is ingested by the birds that live there. The plastics floating in the ocean are broken up into smaller fragments by the waves, reefs and rocks. These fragments are mistaken by the birds to be food. Plastic is so ubiquitous on Midway that every single albatross on the island will likely die with a stomach full of it. A typical albatross stomach includes “stuff about the size of a cigarette lighter – everything from golf balls to shotgun shells, or chunks of plastic that used to be something bigger,” according to Bret Wolfe, deputy manager of the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. When birds die and decompose, the plastic in their guts remains. “Anywhere you see a big pile of plastic but nothing else,” Wolfe said, “that’s where an albatross died.” Link to segment.
So this year, let’s think about how we can help save the lives of not only the birds on Midway, but all of the birds and bees and all of the other species we share this beautiful planet with. For those wanting to rid themselves of plastic from one-use water bottles, Haws offers several alternatives, like our Hydration By Haws™ wall-mounted bottle filler, and retrofit bottle fillers for drinking fountains.
One Hydration By Haws™ unit can reduce the consumption of as many as 36,000 standard 16.9oz plastic bottles each year! Think how many birds and fish that reduction can save! Haws offers a fundraising program for schools and colleges, here’s how the program works;
Sell Nalgene® bottles with your school logo printed on them. The bottle sales proceeds pay for a new Hydration By Haws bottle filling station. After 90-days, pay for the filling station with the bottle sales proceeds. No money comes out of your budget! Install your Hydration By Haws unit and start reducing the amount of one-use plastic water bottles!
Post submitted by Lynne Pierce, Sr. Graphic Designer