
Are Your Emergency Showers and Eyewashes Properly Installed?

The ANSI/ISEA Z358.1 Standard for emergency showers and eyewashes requires that all equipment needs to be installed in a location that is well lit. The standard also states all emergency showers and eyewashes are to “be located in an area identified with a highly visible sign positioned so the sign shall be visible within the area served by the emergency shower.”

These are considered low impact issues that don’t necessarily exclude the equipment from being able to provide proper first aid in the event of an emergency, but they are still liable to receive fines from OSHA for non-compliance with the standard.

Does your equipment meet this one of many requirements of the standard? If you’re unsure and would like to find out, Haws has various useful tools to assist you:

1. Upcoming free webinar: Your Simplified Guide to ANSI Z358.1-2014. Register now>>

2. Check out our ANSI Resources page on our website.

3. Contact us and let us get you to the appropriate person to conduct a site inspection.

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