
5 Tips on How to Conserve Water During a Drought

In recent news of California’s drought, now into the fourth year, conserving water will help with this horrible time “California’s cities and towns would be required to cut their water usage by up to 35% or face steep fines under proposed new rules.” (CBS NEWS)

  1. Use reusable water bottles. Not only will this help save a buck or two but you will be saving water. You also won’t be contributing to landfills and the production of plastic water bottles.bottlesd
  2. Condense shower time. Making your shower time shorter will not only save you water but money as well! “Just decreasing your shower time by one minute, you will save 2.5 gallons of water. This means 750 gallons less water used a month.”(RYOT News+ Action)
  3. Fix leaky faucets. While this may be undermined by some, a leaky faucet may cause a loss on gallons of water a year.
  4. Get in touch with your community. Red Cross recommends for one to participate in public water conservation meetings conducted by local government, utility or water management district. Your participation will help impact water usage in your community!drought-617x416
  5. Never waste water! Before you think about pouring water down the drain use that water for other things! For instance, that water can be used for watering plants, washing hands, anything or anyone who needs water!

Help promote water conservation! Start this trend in efforts to help our neighbors in California and those experiencing a drought. drought cali

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